going to approach this new chapter of life and redefining my morning routine by answering those same four questions.

 Here are three problems with mimicking other people's morning routines: First, copying what works for them doesn't give you the flexibility to sosok out what works best for you, the life you have now, and the life you want to live. Second, some of their activities may be insignificant and fail to have an impact on the rest of your day. And finally, you may perasaan stressed out because you haven't figured out what's right for you, and so you may be left with an unsettling perasaan that you carry with you through the rest of the day.


Many humans have similar goals and aspirations, but not similar days and responsibilities. I am realizing this more than ever now as my days and responsibilities are about to undergo a massive shift.

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I often get asked how I stay consistent with a morning routine. Up until this poin, I've done it by working through the same exercise that I recommend to others.

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• What are three things that help me perasaan my best in the morning?

• How do I rank those three things in order of what brings me the most joy?

• How can I implement the kampiun thing on that daftar tomorrow morning?

• If something gets in the way of that kampiun thing, what can I do about it?

I'm going to approach this new chapter of life and redefining my morning routine by answering those same four questions.

After I give birth, I know it will be harder. And while I planning to go through that exercise again, I thought I'd ask for berpengalaman advice. I reached out to behavioral scientist Katy Milkman, author of "How to Change: The Science of Getting from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be" and the James G. Dinan professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

"We know that if you want to build a new routine, you'll need to planning it out in rinci," Milkman told me. "But research shows that when we make multiple rincied plans to achieve multiple goals, instead of helping us, it hurts us."

She advises we fokus on prioritizing one new goal at a time and building out a planning for achieving that goal when it comes to routines. "Say you want to meditate and exercise in the morning and don't do either now," Milkman said. "It might be better to pick one to prioritize as your new goal to add to your morning and make a rincied planning for when you'll do it and where you'll do it."

Once that's working, you can try to add another element to the routine.

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